《Fight Song》MV(视频引用自音悦台)
Fight Song(歌词)演唱:Rachel Platten Like a small boat on the ocean 就如一叶扁舟 穿行在海洋 Sending big waves into motion 再小的帆也能激起千层浪 Like how a single word 就如一个简单的字符 Can make a heart open 也能打开心门 I might only have one match 也许身上只有一根火柴 But I can make an explosion 但我也能尽情燃动 And all those things I didn't say 那些未曾宣于口上的言语 Wrecking balls inside my brain 已经冲破我思想的围墙 I will scream them loud tonight 我将在今夜呼喊 Can you hear my voice? 你可否能听见我的声音? This time this is my fight song 这是属于我的战歌 Take back my life song 找回自我之歌 Prove I'm alright song 坚定自我之歌 My powers turned on 我已充满力量 Starting right now I'll be strong 现在开始 勇敢坚强 I'll play my fight song 我会唱着我的战歌 And I don't really care 不在乎其他人 If nobody else believes 相信与否 Cause I've still got 因为我依然 A lot of fight left in me 斗志昂扬 Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep 朋友们都一个个离开了 常年过着难以安眠的日子 Everybody's worried about me 每个人对我表示担忧 In too deep they say I'm in too deep 他们说我执念太深 太过固执 And it's been two years 已经离家两年了 And I miss my home 对家人的思念绵延不绝 But there's a fire burning in my bones 但骨髓里的激情永远存在不会磨灭 And I still believe yeah I still believe 我信念依存 是的我仍斗志昂扬 And all those things I didn't say 那些未曾宣于口山的言语 Wrecking balls inside my brain 已经冲破我思想的围墙 I will scream them loud tonight 我将在今夜呼喊 Can you hear my voice? 你可否能听见我的声音? This time this is my fight song 这是属于我的战歌 Take back my life song 找回自我之歌 Prove I'm alright song 坚定自我之歌 My powers turned on 我已充满力量 Starting right now I'll be strong 现在开始 勇敢坚强 I'll play my fight song 我会唱着我的战歌 And I don't really care 不在乎其他人 If nobody else believes 相信与否 Cause I've still got 因为我依然 A lot of fight left in me 斗志昂扬 A lot of fight left In me 斗志昂扬 Like a small boat on the ocean 就如一叶扁舟 穿行在海洋 Sending big waves into motion 再小的帆也能激起千层浪 Like how a single word 就如一个简单的字符 Can make a heart open 也能打开心门 I might only have one match 也许身上只有一根火柴 But I can make an explosion 但我也能尽情燃动 This is my fight song 这是属于我的战歌 Take back my life song 找回自我之歌 Prove I'm alright song 坚定自我之歌 My powers turned on 我已充满力量 Starting right now I'll be strong 现在开始 勇敢坚强 I'll play my fight song 我会唱着我的战歌 And I don't really care 不在乎其他人 If nobody else believes 相信与否 Cause I've still got 因为我依然 A lot of fight left in me 斗志昂扬 Now I've still got a lot of fight left in me 此刻 我内心斗志昂扬 |