美国梦工场3d动画电影《驯龙高手2》已经上映,讲述了年轻的维京勇士小嗝嗝驯服受伤的龙伙伴“没牙仔”之后,一起开始的新冒险,被视为全球年度最佳动画长片的有力竞争者。这部电影《驯龙高手2》一上映就获得观众好评,而电影中的一些台词语录也同样经典。下面我们一起来看看电影《驯龙高手2》的经典台词语录对白吧。 电影《驯龙高手2》中英文经典台词语录对白盘点 1.every time you step outside disaster falls. 你一出门 灾难就降临! 2.winter is almost here and i have an entire villafeed! 冬天临近了 我还得喂饱全村人! 3.i, i can't stop myself. i see a dragon and i have to just... 我控制不住自己,每当我看到龙,就想... 4.great name,i know.but it's not the worst. 好名字,我知道。但是它不是最差的。 5.you are many things, hiccup, but a dragon killer is not one of them. 你可以胜任很多职责,但决不是捕龙者。 6.between you and me, the village could do with a little less feeding, don't you think 看这身材差距,如果都不像你们这么硕大,村子也可以少负担些口粮 7.most people would leave.not us. 很多人都会离开,但是我们不会。 8.parents believe a hideous name will frighten off gnomes and trolls. 父母们相信一个难听的名字可以驱赶地精和恶魔 9.taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend. 打倒一条肯定可以找到一个女朋友 10.it's not so much what you look like.it's what's inside that he can't stand. 他在乎的不是你的外表他看重的是你的灵魂 11.the people that grow here are even more so. 生长在这的人们更是坚韧不拔 12.even as a boy i knew what i was,what i had to become... 在我还是个孩子的时候我就知道我会变成什么... 延伸阅读: