电影《九层妖塔》将于9月30日正式上映,今日,片方发布了影片主题曲MV,美国独立摇滚乐队梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)献声热曲《恶魔》(《Demons》)。
由陆川执导,赵又廷、姚晨、凤小岳、李晨、唐嫣、李光洁、王庆祥、冯粒、吴军、王德顺等主演的3D奇幻冒险巨制《九层妖塔》(根据小说《鬼吹灯之精绝古城》改编)将于9月30日正式登陆全国院线。今日,片方发布了影片主题曲MV。视频不仅大篇幅曝光了影片艰辛的制作过程,更有格莱美最佳摇滚奖得主、美国独立摇滚乐队梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)献声热曲《恶魔》(《Demons》)。 梦龙乐队曾为《变形金刚4》、《钢铁侠3》、《饥饿游戏2》等诸多好莱坞现象级大片献唱插曲、主题曲,此次是梦龙乐队首次为华语电影献声。为了买下这支由格莱美最佳摇滚乐奖得主梦龙演唱的《恶魔》的版权,片方可谓不惜血本,砸下500万的天价,也创下了华语电影单曲版权价格巅峰纪录。《恶魔》的演唱者梦龙乐队,以其独特的金属声线和高亢的声场气势为许多年轻歌迷们所追捧。在MV中,伴随着沸腾的鼓点和强劲的节奏,影片主演们悉数亮相,在狂杀漫天的石油小镇、巍峨险峻的昆仑雪山、诡谲神秘的异界妖塔等令人大开眼界的场景中探险,并与各种奇怪异兽展开殊死搏斗。 梦龙乐队(Imagine Dragons)Demons(恶魔)歌词 When the days are cold And the cards all fold And the saints we see Are all made of gold When your dreams all fail And the ones we hail Are the worst of all And the blood's run stale I want to hide the truth I want to shelter you But with the beast inside There's nowhere we can hide No matter what we breed We still are made of greed This is my kingdom come This is my kingdom come When you feel my heat Look into my eyes It's where my demons hide It's where my demons hide Don't get too close It's dark inside When the curtain's call Is the last of all When the lights fade out All the sinners crawl So they dug your grave And the masquerade Will come calling out At the mess you made Don't want to let you down But I am hell bound Though this is all for you Don't want to hide the truth They say it's what you make I say it's up to fate It's woven in my soul I need to let you go Your eyes, they shine so bright I want to save their light I can't escape this now Unless you show me how |